Nate Ricklin

Nate Ricklin is the VP of Product Engineering at Capella Space, leading the architecture, development and execution of Capella’s industry-leading Earth observation products and services. Nate has spent the last 15 years building technology to manage Earth observation data, extract insights and deliver them to customers. Most recently, he led engineering at, prior to which he led the online imagery platforms EarthWatch, SecureWatch, and Global EGD at Maxar Technologies. In addition, Nate led Maxar’s engineering for GBDX, a cloud-based platform-as-a-service that applies artificial intelligence to satellite imagery. Prior to that, Nate cofounded Tomnod, a satellite imagery crowdsourcing platform used in many humanitarian, search-and-rescue and disaster management applications. Tomnod was subsequently acquired by DigitalGlobe. Nate holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of California, San Diego.

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