Why SAR?


The Benefits of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

Capella’s constellation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites provides 24-hour all-weather Earth observation. What makes SAR unique is its ability to penetrate atmospheric conditions, providing near real-time visibility in cloud covered areas, both day and night.

Capella Space’s commercial SAR technology offers many advantages that traditional earth observation sensors cannot provide.

SAR Enables Industry Use Cases

Capella’s innovative small satellite design and rapid manufacturing-to-launch deployment gives our constellation a high-cadence revisit to effectively monitor the entire globe and give decision-makers the information they need on the Earth.

SAR’s unique capabilities benefit a wide variety of applications including:

Capella Space Spot Image Mailiao Oil Refinery Taiwan

How SAR Data Can Support Your Organization?

Our team wants to learn about your use case. Contact sales to learn about Capella’s imagery and analytics products to better serve your needs.

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