Sultanahmet Camii, Istanbul, Turkey

Sultanahmet Camii, Istanbul, Turkey in SAR imagery

The Sultanahmet Camii, or “The Blue Mosque,” completed in 1617, is visible in the middle of the image. There is a wind shadow on the lower side of the land that causes the water to appear darker than other areas in the scene. What’s most interesting here is the difference in reflectivity between the moving […]

Greece – Turkey Border

This image shows a section of the border between Greece and Turkey. SAR-based border monitoring allows for reliable and persistent intelligence necessary for wide area security. In this image, large swaths of agricultural land on both sides of the Greek and Turkish borders are visible as well as vehicle activity at the Kipoi Border Station. […]

Aliağa Shipyard

Aliağa serves as a site for ship breaking and dismantling as well as petroleum refining at the Tüpraş Izmir facility. All-weather SAR can be used to analyze the contents of floating roof oil tanks at the facility’s 2.51 million tonnes of storage. Cars can be counted in parking lots associated with maintenance work to track […]

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